Building Homes.  Restoring Lives.

House Jesus es el Camino 2b

Two-thirds of Guatemalans live on less than 2 USD a day. Homes consist of bamboo stick walls, rusted metal roofs, and dirt floors.


A new home provides relief from storms during the rainy season, better health and hygiene with a concrete floor and cooking smoke vented to the outdoors, and increased privacy and safety for girls and young women with separated bedrooms.


The cost of a new home is $2,200, including the materials and the labor of a professional mason, all of which are purchased in Guatemala to support the local economy.


Through a ministry of Wooddale Church, we have partnered with 10 churches in western Guatemala for 30 years, and in that time, we have built more than 200 homes for families needing relief and restoration.


To celebrate our 30-year partnership, we have set a goal to build 30 new homes. I'm asking my personal and professional network to help, and every dollar raised will go toward the cost of these homes.

Give a tax-deductible donation to help us build 30 homes this year!